Thursday, 17 October 2013


                   WRITTEN EVIDENCE?

A little bird just told me that a top London literary agent has recently contacted author Sarah Holland, who is currently fighting (ghetto-style) the alleged murder conspiracy against her.

The agent in question is British.  

The head of a major literary agency, she represents some of the biggest names in publishing including some legendary estates and is known in the press as a "maverick".

Apparently, she sent a long e-mail to Sarah Holland, part of which looks as though it was written by an American lawyer.

It seems this maverick agent just copy-pasted it straight into her personal e-mail to Sarah without altering the legal phrasing - or the Americanisms.  

The e-mail was ostensibly a normal private letter from an agent to an author, casually discussing a manuscript Sarah Holland had recently sent her with no contract or publication plans involved.

The section with the copy-pasted American legalese relates directly to the alleged conspiracy against Sarah.

As anyone in publishing knows, it is not normal practice to include this kind of thing in any e-mail at all between author and agent - but certainly not a preliminary e-mail before they've even agreed to work together.

"In my opinion," said my source, "this not only proves there is some kind of conspiracy against Sarah - it proves the conspiracy is international."

What next?   I'll keep you posted...

by our Editor
Juliet Warsaw

Keep watching the incriminating daily countdown at: -


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